Destiny of tourist expenditure makes it prone to give nose to nose with a doctornamed Zozo, grumbling in fact, beginning to come out with fresh eyesworkmanship on the machine. Like that's not ok, as that's not nice, as that's not good ...
Poor Spanish do not think until then, leave hardly convinced, especially since justhad removed from his pocket almost $ 10,000. And the sound was alreadyunhappy.
Upset the Spaniard, without some bulls at hand, it upsets the car, as if he was to blame, poor. "Are you able to do something about it to no longer recognize?Forget the anger?" asked the Spaniard. "Of course yes!" meet the doctor. After asimple calculation, the Spaniard turned his back on the car and went to Spain'sspanioloaicele. Doctor Zozo great joy, which sees the car on hand to do what he wants them ... already begin to dream ... And if everything was on dreams, not tobe consumed Visu 'vain, roll up their hands and began to demolish everything,where to have it back. And ask and ask, as there was no one to stop it: On the outside: front bumper, rear bumper and side skirts. Plus a set of wheels with 20inch Spinne P & W from Lynx tuning, and film, the only sunshine in Spain.
To give good and sound good, put a dual exhaust Borlea, with two drums andheads to match. Avant already had, so had no reason not to put a leather upholstery in black and white, much more as the wind gave the Spaniard afterDolce & Gabana. Then the state has been thought. Why was the Spaniard upset?Um, the music. Let the music if he wants, to give it.
And put mister doctor to give winter-shed n: 2 pieces subwoofers 15 "Big Bull ofthe MNC, 2 RMS 500W monoblocks for each, 2 amplifuri 2x160 RMS, 16 cmcoaxial 2 sets, 3 sets of silk membrane tweeters , 2 Alpine 7.5-inch screens, atouch screen navigation system with Alpine DVD changer all in Alpine, twocapacitors of 1.5 F from MNC and a 3500 amp battery competition from Ground Zero. .. Plus module for X-Box games, and children to enjoy.
And if the ball, the ball has to be. Music is, but light do? If not, we read: 8 pieces of32cm neon blue Toxic MNC, a convert from 12v to 220 volt, 4 pcs stroboscopesevery 100V, xenon, neon under a set of remote control car in 7 colors. And theymade light. Now, the doctor thinks the patient's health, so I ask, that does not hard, parking sensors, trap in front bumper, alarm with pager and remote engine start.And after that, to spin doctor, he knocked the car, put it to say 33 and gave him the diagnosis: Painting write to you!
So I made, like all the other things that have gone through his head. Then he restedafter two months and many sleepless nights doftoriceala. And returned to the Spanish came, saw and exclaimed: You're not normal! Although not recognized the car as he wanted. He took the keys, a handful of remotes, the amount of 18,460euros left as recipe did and went to spanioloaice doctor, as usual, saying it was notexpensive. The surprise is that after two months her doctor for a consultation call:Dom 'Doctor, I have client machine with 50,000 euros to sell? Sell it, confidentdoctor said. Do another soon!
1 comentarii:
What showmanship. I love the car, it is so hot!
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